Pastoral Staff

Daniel Chong

Daniel has been serving as Lead Pastor of Charis Mission Church since 2021. His family moved to Downey in 1989, and they have resided in Southern California ever since. After graduating from UCI, where he studied Economics, he received his M.Div. at Westminster Seminary California down in Escondido. Prior to serving at Charis Mission Church, he served as Assistant Pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles. He and his wife Grace have two kids, William and Karis. On the weekends, he loves to take his family down to Torrance for some good Japanese food. He’s also a self-proclaimed Barista Pastor; ask him to show you his home espresso bar and his impressive latte art!

Lead Pastor

David Song

David has been serving at Charis Mission Church since 2019; first as College Pastor, and now as Executive & Young Adult Pastor. Before Charis, David served as Education Pastor at Inland Church in Pomona. He attended Calvin College, majoring in Religion & Communications, and received his M.Div. at Talbot Seminary. He and his wife Lisa have two kids, Caden and Noelle, whom he considers his best friends. His life motto is “Work hard to become flexible, make practical improvements, and enjoy relationships.” Finally, when he was in his prime, he considered himself NBA worthy!

Executive & Young Adult Pastor

Manny Lim

Manny has been serving as College Director at Charis Mission Church since January 2023, but before that he was the Education Department’s High School Pastor. Prior to serving there, Manny served as Children's Pastor at Youngnak Church of Los Angeles. He was born in Seoul, South Korea, but grew up in Indonesia as a missionary kid. After attending UCSB, where he studied Religious Studies, he went off to Fuller Seminary and received his M.Div. His life motto is "Serve God, help people." He and his wife, Anna, have two kids, Vera and Evan. One of their favorite activities is picnicking! In his free time, he likes to play basketball, keep up with technology, and dabble in photography. He also loves working with his hands since he can see the fruit of his labor manifest before his eyes.

College Director

Operational Staff

James “JB” Kim

Worship & Praise Director

Preston Kang

Production & Creative Arts Director


Finance, Provisions

Danny Kim

Finance, Worship

Peter Hong

Missions, Welcoming

Daniel Chong

College, Young Adult, Media

Peter Chung

Daniel Quon

Small Groups, Life, Education


Missions, Worship

David Park

Ellen Suh

Helen Jeong

Missions, Young Adult

Jaime Choi

Life, Small Groups

Peter Lee


Philip Choi

College, Young Adult

Finance, Provisions

Albert Han


Danney Kim

Finance, Provisions

James Lee


Marcelo Pak

Education Department Staff

Sung Ah Kim

Toddler Ministry Director

Hyun Kim

Infant Ministry Director

Education Director

Anthony Kim

Education Lead Pastor

Deborah Kim

Jr. High School Director

David Park

High School Pastor

John Chae

K-2nd Grade Director

Manny Kim

3rd-5th Grade Pastor

Sae Oh

Joseph Lee

Jubilee Pastor