Missionary John was born in South Korea, came to the States when he was 16, and had the blessing of growing up in a Christian home. He received the call to ministry in 2010 and attended seminary. In the midst of this, God grew his heart for the mission field. He was commissioned by Choong Hyun Mission Church at the end of 2016 to Thailand and has been serving there ever since. Our support for Missionary John and his ministry began in 2021.


John Yi

esther cho

At a young age, God placed a desire in Esther’s heart to dedicate her life to serving God and his people. Esther was commissioned by New Life Presbyterian Church in 2003, serving first in Indonesia and then transitioning to Cambodia in 2006. Her time in Cambodia is spent providing medical care, teaching at a nursing school, and equipping the villages of Kampot Province with community resources. Our support for Missionary Esther and her ministry began in 2021.



Each year we desire to support and send out new missionaries. For members who are looking to nominate a missionary for our church to support, please fill out the form as either a Google doc file or as a Microsoft word file and email to hello@charismissionchurch.org. Nominees will be reviewed by the Missions Committee on a monthly basis.